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The book 'The curly hair Princesses' is the true story of two American sisters, Agatha and Alice, who love the princess tales. But they realised that most of them have beauties that replicate only the models of white girls with straight hair. But Agatha and Alice have curly hairs. And they started to question why the princesses in books and movies don't have hair like theirs. In a simple and light way, 'The curly hair Princesses' talk about acceptance, inclusion and diversity. The book teaches the little reader that curly or straight , long or short hair are all unique, beautiful and special! Agatha and Alice share that children should love each other as they are and that we should all learn to see each other's unique beauty, without prejudice and judgment. The book was written by Cláudia Kalhoefer, a nurse, bachelor in Law, parental educator and who also fulfills her best mission: being the mother of the three precious kids Noah, Agatha and Alice. ISBN: 9798718524581 | Editora: My Precious Kids | Autor: Claudia Kalhoefer

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